Tyranids Hive Fleet Hades

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Final Completion of Test Termagaunts:

I finished up painting the test Termagaunts last night, with the exception of the eyes. I might go back and add a little bit of orange and yellow to the eyes to make them more beady eyed and vicious looking. On to the sweetness!

Here we have the finished Gaunts, and I used a variety of paints on the final touches, including some of the new texture paint and dry brush paints.

For the tongue's I used a base of 'Pink Horror' and highlighted with  'Emperors Children'
The purple on the gaunt's fleshborers was based with 'Xereus Purple' and highlighted with 'Genestealer Purple'. The eyes I based with 'Wazdakka Red' and highlighted with 'Evil Sunz Scarlet'.
Finally on the base I used a coat of the new texture paint, 'Stirland Mud' and drybrushed on a coat of 'Tyrant Skull'.

The dry brush paint went on very easy and was quite pleasant to use. The texture paint was a bit messier and it was more difficult to get exactly where I wanted it, especially around the hooves and claws dangling down near the base. For the finishing touch I glued on a bit of grass to make it look like they're in a dry, arid environment. I'm not sure if I'm impressed with the base or if I'd like to go for something more urban. However for now this looks spectacular.

The only change I might mess with in the future, is using a glaze of 'Waywatcher Green' to go over the bodies of the Termagaunts.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Stage 3: Carapace Shading

Shading of the Carapace on my Termagaunt test subjects is complete. This was more time consuming that I thought it might be, and could very well boil down to skill. I'm kinda picky on how things look and wanted to get the look just right.

I layered over the base coats with Gorthor Brown, Karak Stone, and Ushabti Bone. These were done in successive layers using a feathering technique gradually advancing the lighter colors as I went. After which I used an Agrax Earthshade to tone it back and blend in all the colors. This came out quite striking and better than I thought it would.

Once the shades are dry, I plan to highlight two more successive highlights, and touch up the eyes and any recesses and black lines. I'm also contemplating highlighting the body color to a brighter green, but I don't want to get to bright.

More to follow! I'm really enjoying the color on these test bugs, and can't wait to start painting some bigger creatures!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Painting Continues:

Worked a little bit more on my test Gaunts for Hive Fleet Hades. I covered the bodies with the new Games Workshop "Moot Green" and decided that it was a little bright. So I toned it back with "Nuln Oil". It was a little dark after that but ok. I need to highlight it a bit more.

Additionally I painted the carapace with "Gorthor Brown"
More pics to come!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hive Fleet Hades: Devouring the Universe one Sector at a time!

Welcome to Imperial Industries!

You've found this Blog either by mistake or through the emperors will in directing you to all things full of awesomeness and of course related to Warhammer 40K.I'm new to blogging so bear with me, strap in, and prepare for a ride through the galaxy of 40K!

I've started this blog to chronicle my travels in painting up and modeling my Warhammer 40K armies. Though I'm barely a newbie painter, I hope it helps me to increase my prowess with a paintbrush through public humility and display, and more importantly it'll help me chronicle the color use and provide me a guide to better painting skill. Of course if this helps out other painters, or produces new and exciting tips from viewers in my own painting, then all the better!

My main army in Warhammer 40K is the Tyranids, an invasive and terribly ferocious army intent on devouring the universe one world at a time. I'd previously had an army painted red and bone, but decided it was time for a change. I wanted something more vibrant and colorful to pop off the battlefield and ignite excitement for those fighting against it. So I have opted for a more colorful approach.
Black Base coat

White Base coat
Side by Side Comparison

So far progress is smooth. I'm using the new Games Workshop paints, and have base coated one Termagaunt in white and one in black. The comparison picture shows that one is clearly more "vibrant" and stands out. I've always used a black base coat in painting, but I have to say the white makes my gaunt stand out more.

Here I've used a layer color of Warpstone green and a "shade" of Coelia Greenshade. It's not quite the color I'm shooting for, but it's on the way and should help me achieve the color I seek.

The next step I plan to use Moot Green to provide a highlight, and then on to painting the carapace!
This is a small but crucial step in a huge master plan of getting 2000pts of Tyranids painted so that I might experience the awesome Adepticon come next year.